

Schedule (2:00 PM - 6:00 PM):

  1. [Lightning Talk ⚡️] What’s, Why’s and How’s of Zarr by Sanket Verma

  2. Scaling Data Science with Dask by Pavithra Eswaramoorthy

  3. Break and Networking

  4. [Invited Talk by Srijan 🔥] Adopting clean architecture in your new project by Bibek Joshi

  5. [Lightning Talk ⚡️] Exploring Starry Realms in the Milky Way with Gaia by Chetan Chawla

  6. Closing Notes and Goodies!

People who would like to volunteer to PyData Delhi, please stay for a while after the meetups end!

Note: Please keep your RSVP up to date, it is a very nice thing to do! Most likely, we won’t be able to entertain more than the max RSVP limit!


• Venue map:

• Nearest Metro Station: Janpath (Violet Line)

Doors open at 13:30, and talks start at 14:00.

Please, unRSVP if you realise you can’t make it. We’re limited by space on the number of attendees, so please free up your place for your fellow community members!

Follow @pydatadelhi for updates and early announcements. See you at the meetup!

We’re on Telegram. Join us for early updates and discussions here.

Share your Lightning Talks! A “lightning talk” is a quick mini-presentation (5 minutes maximum) on any Python, Julia, R, tips & tricks, caveats or personal project you’d like. We’ll save time for 2-3 of these each month: to save a spot, post a comment with your talk’s title/topic and create an issue at Beginner topics are always welcome!

See you at the meetup! ✌🏻

Photos: The photos for the meetup are available here.